Membangun Aceh Melalui Pendidikan (Studi Analisis Konsep KOPELMA Darussalam Ali Hasjmy)
Development;, Aceh;, Ali Hasjmy;, KOPELMA DarussalamAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the background of the establishment of KOPELMA Darussalam, the concept of KOPELMA Darussalam proposed by Ali Hasjmy, and the relevance of Ali Hasjmy's educational thoughts with Aceh’s development through education. The study used a library research design, employing the primary data from Ali Hasjmy’s writings and the secondary data from two figures who had lived with and were close to Ali Hasjmy. The data were analyzed by using a descriptive analysis method. The results of the study revealed that Ali Hasjmy founded KOPELMA Darussalam as a manifestation of his educational, cultural, and political thoughts. This, in turn, gave birth to a big concept to Aceh’s development towards modernization, equipped with Islamic sharia, Acehnese culture and traditions, and science, after Aceh was hit by prolonged social conflict. The concept of KOPELMA Darussalam proposed by Ali Hasjmy intended to create KOPELMA Darussalam as a symbol of peace and love, a place to produce faithful and devoted humans to the religion and the nation, a place to establish science for humanity, a place to build "Pancasila"-instilled citizens, a symbol for the collapse of educational secularism and dichotomy of science in Aceh, a source of the realization of the Acehnese aspirations (i.e., of the ideals of justice and prosperity), an oasis of knowledge, and a manufacturer of people with devoted souls and spirit to the religion and the nation. To date, Ali Hasjmy's educational thinking about "The Ideal Concept of Darussalam (Abode of Peace)" is still relevant with the basis for Aceh's development through education.
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