Pandangan Ulama Kabupaten Langkat tentang Hukum Memberikan Karangan Bunga saat Walimatul ‘Urs


  • Ayu Putri UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Ida Friatna UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Muhammad Husnul UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh


The practice of giving flower arrangements at the walimatul 'urs event often occurs among the community, especially in Langkat Regency. Basically, the giving of flower bouquets during the walimatul 'urs is not strictly regulated in the text, giving rise to differences of opinion among the ulama of Langkat Regency. The focus of this research aims to answer two problem formulations, namely how to practice giving flower bouquets and the views of the Ulama of Langkat Regency regarding giving flower bouquets during walimatul 'urs. The research method that the author uses is an empirical research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Then the data used is primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the conclusions obtained are; Firstly, the practice of giving flower bouquets in Langkat Regency often occurs in the community as a sign of a lively party, a form of support, and as a sign of strengthening the ties between the giver and the recipient. However, placing flower arrangements along the road can disturb road users because the flower arrangements fall due to wind, rain or being knocked over by road users. Second, Langkat Regency clerics are of the opinion that it is permissible to give flower bouquets during the walimatul 'urs, considering that there is no text that explicitly regulates the law on giving flower bouquets. Furthermore, the positive value of giving a bouquet of flowers is that as a gift, by giving a bouquet of flowers someone can maintain friendship because they cannot attend the event, but can represent it by giving a bouquet of flowers.

Keywords: Views of Ulama, Flower Bouquets, Walimatul 'Urs


